Saturday, October 17, 2009

Up On the Housetop, Swimming Pools!

Whoo-boy, I am some kind of tired! Today was the Clemson extravaganza as they played Wake Forest. Piglet has been dying to go to a game and is dressing as a Clemson football player for Halloween. He could spell Clemson before he could spell his own name and might possibly bleed orange. You can imagine the excitement when his moment had come at last.

Piglet popped up from bed like jack in the box and grabbed his football helmet, all business. He twitched and bounced for most of the ride to Clemson, his excitement was so apparent.

I'm not sure how it is that we keep seeing Things Atop Trailers, but sure enough, we saw another one today....sadly, not fast enough to take a picture. Whizzing by on my right, I spotted a plastic kids' swimming pool on top of a dilapidated single wide. This sparked a stimulating conversation that rivaled our ponderance of the computer on a table atop the last tenement on wheels in South Carolina. Interestingly (or perhaps not), this one was also in the great state which bore my husband.

Refocus on our guesses: There was a leak and they thought it would be simpler to catch the water in the pool than to fix it? They were going for a luxury rooftop swimming experience? Just ran out of storage room and popped it up there? Feeling green and captured their own rainwater for irrigation purposes? The possibilities are endless and I'm relatively confident we could have gone on wondering for a good twenty minutes if we hadn't been distracted by THE GUY PEEING BEHIND HIS TRUCK.

Now, I'm all for being a dude and stopping for a convenience tinkle, but come on! This guy was standing behind his truck for all the world to witness his urination into the wild and not even trying to be discreet. We could see the stream! Right there, side of the road. Klassy.

We managed to put that behind us and have a good time - though coldish and rainish - without losing either kid or having major injury. I hogged out on sausage balls, pigs in blankets, boiled peanuts, and cake. I'm considering submitting myself to Health magazine as an example of a nutrition "don't". I'm not ashamed to tell you that I ate them again for dinner and am considering topping it off with some nachos or popcorn.

Clemson stomped Wake Forest, Pigpen fell asleep in his stroller, and ye happy family made it back to car to head home. That was all fine and good until we passed ANOTHER GUY PEEING BEHIND HIS TRUCK. Seriously! This guy had just finished up as we passed and didn't even take the courtesy to pretend he was checking a tire of something, instead he zipped up with a flourish and made eye contact as we drove by. Are we cave people?

In conclusion, very little about this post is really about Clemson, but actually is mostly focused out rogue outdoor urinators and things atop trailers. I'm sure a lot of very interesting, meaninful and possibly entertaining events transpired today, but in my exhaustion all I've got is pee and trailers. Sorry about that.

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