Monday, December 19, 2005

A Banner Day!

Fun day at the zoo! Remember how I parted ways with my Frock the other night at the Christmas party? Well, one of my parents is also on our staff and immensely enjoyed the story of my frock, so she procured me a new one for my present! Could I be more lucky? This one is red hot too:

My favorite part of the new frock is that it came with directions and tips for wearing! I am most partial to number five:

Then, part room mom this year has an off beat sense of humor that I appreciate tremendously. A few weeks ago she (jokingly) emailed my entire class that for Christmas I was registered at mexican fish balls [dot] com. A few confused parent emails later, everyone got the joke and I thought it was over. Until today when I opened my new handmade, creatively constructed Christmas ornament:

You'd think that my day really couldn't get any better when I found out that my special order marshmallow shooter was completed and hand-delivered to my classroom! Shah! Merry Christmas to the Pig!

Gus still finds the shooter extremely suspect. I'm certain that he will appreciate it more when he gets to chase some marshmallows. I'm thinking of ways to incorporate the marshmallow gun into my classroom management system.

On a sour note, one of my nine year olds got suspended for threatening to bring a gun to school and kill everyone on the playground. Eh...gotta take the bad with the good, I suppose. You can't get a marshmallow gun, a frock and a fish ornament all in one day and expect roses, I guess!

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