Sunday, February 20, 2005


It turns out that I am no longer young and spry. I tried to go out last night. Well, actually we did go out. It's been a long time since I went to bed with my hair smelling like an ashtray. It's been a long time since I wondered if you could still Get Late At the Bell at this particular hour. It's been a long time since I drank beer from a little plastic cup. It's been a really long time since I heard someone use the word "kegerator" in casual conversation. I'm so sleepy today and all I can think about is that I have to go to work tomorrow. And that the writing test is in two days. And that I have to compose a so-so kidesque story so we can practice revising tomorrow and all I can think about it that my pillowcase smells like an ashtray. I gotta go change my sheets or I'm never going to get any work done. That and it's 80 degrees outside and I'm dying to play tennis. Or lay out. Or wash my car. I heart Texas winters.


Eddie said...

Ah, the kegerator. The best invention ever!

Katie Bonk said...

Sounds like you've got a raging case of the Sunday blues!

Robin said...

Um... at least you had fun, right???

Coconut Ice said...

hi! was juz bloghopping and came across your site :D

Editor in Chief said...

Ha! I have only managed to close down a bar ONCE in our year of living here (and the bars close at 4am!), and I will never do it again. There is a reason you stop getting drunk and staying out late as you age. You have to actually function in the real world pretty much on a regular basis! I keep trying to tell my co-workers who are right out of college that maybe drinking all weekend isn't such a good idea, especially when the boss knows and it is affecting your work until Wednesday. But do you think they listen to ME? Would you? I'm just the married old lady, what do I know? ;)