Friday, January 07, 2005

Mah-wedge! It's what bwings us togevah today...

Name that movie! (since only Beth got Clue the other day.) This is a quick story of marriage. Mike and I go out to dinner and I'm having a fine and dandy conversation about something that was surely riveting...with myself. Mike's eyes have glazed over and I realize he's managed again to pull off what he always manages to accomplish in a restaurant: sit facing the TV. Sigh. This situation requires strategy.
Like any persistent conversationalist, I begin bobbing my head around, leaning left, leaning right, sitting up straight - anything to get in his line of vision - until finally, I begin waving my hand around and erupt with a demanding, "Helllooooooo-oooo?!" which is the modern girl's equivalent of my grandmother's "yoooooooo hoooo!"It was at this point that Mike achieved a new level of Guy Dining Garishness (GDG) when he explained, "Hang on. I've been wanting to see this commercial. They were talking about it on ESPN Radio this morning."
A commercial? Are you kidding me? I got glazed over in public for a commercial? At least make it a playoff game of some sort. This is a whole new low. Blasphemy.


Jen said...

"AS ... YOU ... WISH!" One of my fave movies from my childhood. Oh, Wesley.

I am guilty of glazing over during dinner out, or of people-watching and not listening to my fiance's enthralling stories about his food science senior project or how he almost beat Prince of Persia the other day. I love it when he asks me to repeat what he had just said, and I can't! Oops!

Eddie said...

Um, I hate to be a stickler, but it's "persistent," not "persistant." I only tell you because I love you. ;;)

Editor in Chief said...

I must confess that I am usually the one who spaces out on Joel (husband). Whether it's tv (I like commercials too, Mike!) or people watching, or listening in on the conversation at the table next to us (in NYC, you tend to sit so close that the waiter has to pull the table out from the wall so you can squeeze past the practically-adjoining table and not spill their drinks), I manage at some point to completely ignore what Joel is saying. And he gets so mad at me, especially when it's the tv! I know, I should take something for this problem.... Any suggestions?

Pigs said...

Thanks, Steph! I do appreciate a devotion to spelling. A pet peeve we share. I blame the margarita from dinner. Of course, I would never intentionally spell a word wrong!
Katie, you've got to develop the ability to eavesdrop on the next table AND nod at the right places in your own conversation. I think I can listen to 3 things at once, then I start to glaze over. Mike has a problem also with my eavesdropping and blatant staring in public. Bygones.