Saturday, November 13, 2004

It's Winter!

So, Texas is the weirdest place I have ever lived. Aside from the large blond hair and the boots and the nonchalant attitude about plastic surgery, I am continuously bewildered by the weather. There are only two seasons here, summer and winter. It was summer until about two weeks ago when suddenly the temperature dropped in one day from the 80's to the 40's. And then it was winter. All the leaves gave up their posts and just fell off. No yellow/red/orange foliage to marvel at, they just fell off. The hot dry breezes of summer were instantly replaced with these angry prairie winds that just blow right through you if you're, say, on a playground with no protection. [I mean neither coat, nor weapon - see previous post.] And then it is cold.
Texas is an ugly place to begin with, but when everything turns brown and the leaves of the short stumpy trees fall off, what's left? It's like a massive barren wasteland. A wasteland full of fancy cars driven by people with excessive plastic surgery and hair dye. Maybe since the land is so ugly, the people feel the urge to pretty themselves up and surround themselves with expensive things that they can't afford? in the suburbs. Brrrr.


Eddie said...

Yeah, but at least Texas winter doesn't last very long, and it's definitely not very harsh. We arrived in NJ yesterday and it was snowing. Waaaahhhhh!

Anonymous said...

I am Anonymous! Fear me! Hallo, it's the Rove. Or am I the Fide? Anyhoo, the weather here has been wonky, too. All the hurricane stuff blew a lot of the leaves off the trees early, and it stayed warm for a long time. And I've noticed that people in NC are in denial that it's fall. People at work are still wearing open-toed shoes, and I saw someone in Ulta today wearing shorts. It was not warm today! And it's November! Texas is indeed weird, though. At least you have excellent Mexican food and abundant shopping!

Editor in Chief said...

Ginny, you should leave ugly Allen and go to a pretty part of Texas, like Austin. I am offended by your comment! You just have to appreciate your winter seaons in your particular location. Go into Dallas to Turtle Creek and look at all the pretty leaves! Although, I must say, Allen is not very pretty during the winter. And, yes, Texas winter is anything but predictable. I am already settled in to my NY fall/beginning of winter. I wish it would snow....

Pigs said...

Oh! Mah! Gah! Not open-toed shoes. Can you believe? ;o) And you are the Rove...

Eddie said...

My students are all still wearing flip-flops. It's sick!

Editor in Chief said...

Texas is a beautiful place.

Pigs said...

Of course Texas is beautiful, Joel...ssshhhhh....[snicker]